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Work product © 2023 Trip Reynolds

Proof of Concept for a discerning electorate and media!


1. Compare and Contrast: You can only vote for one-(1); which one?
2. Bacon offers a robust listing of political endorsements,
but nothing from "regular" citizens and businesses
3. Bacon offers "photo ops" with diverse constituents, including Latinos
4. Vargas offers NO endorsements from voters, businesses, organizations, or politicians, but he expects "YOU" to contribute to his campaign
5. PROPOSED - Vargas should secure and post endorsements from
actual voters throughout Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District
6. PROPOSED - Vargas should secure and post endorsements from
actual business owners throughout Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District
7. Bacon posts his political platform on one-(1) page,
with some specifics, but you must drill down to get it
8. Vargas posts his political platform on multiple pages,
with little detail, but you must drill down to get it
9. PROPOSED: Vargas should post his political platform on one page,
with get-to-the-point specifics to eliminate time required to drill down
10. Bacon "showcases" the tradional and very wholesome
"Barbie and Ken" persona, plus his media friendly "military background"
11. Bacon "showcases" the tradional and very wholesome "Barbie and Ken"
persona, and a "DEI photo-friendly" culturally diverse family
12. Vargas only "showcases" his immediate family with no evidence of support from other members of his family; photo appears more casual than professional; and Vargas excludes "evidence" (photos of award ceremony, certificate of achievement, plaque, other awards, etc.) of his media friendly background as an "outstanding teacher"
13. PROPOSED: Vargas' biographical data on his campaign website is not as robust or detailed as the bio posted on the website for State of Nebraska's legislature; and as with #12 above, Vargas' persona would greatly benefit from photos and videos that celebrate his family, and his personal and professional achievements
You've compared and contrasted the candidates, for whom do you vote?