The education of teachers to whom the public entrusts its children is one the most serious policy issues of the day. Post baccalaureate teacher licensure routes provide opportunities for people from various educational backgrounds and walks of life to become teachers. They have opened doors to teaching for minority candidates, persons from other careers, the military, and liberal arts college. TiR is a rigorous program that includes professional course work, seminars, observation and coaching. The MSCD Teacher in Residence program began training teachers on August 7, 2000. The program is a cooperative effort between five metropolitan school districts and Metropolitan State College of Denver. To participate in the Teacher in Residence Program a candidate must:
YEAR ONE: Course work begins before school in early August and continues\ on Monday evenings throughout the year (33 weeks) from 4:30 PM - 8:00 Pm. Sessions are arranged in two formats. Course work is delivered in level specific cohort groups of elementary, middle school, high school, ELA-S/E, and math/science. Coaching groups meet twice a month with their "coach" to work on common candidate concerns as well as prescribed course content focusing on the State Performance Standards for Teachers. Additional intensive classes focusing on unit planning, teacher work sample, and portfolio development are held for three days in December. TiRs are also assisted by a paid mentor. TiRs are observed, in their classroom, by their TiR instructors, building/district mentor, and principal. YEAR TWO: TiR candidates complete their district's induction program. They complete a second Teacher Work Sample that documents proficiency for all of the 8 standards and 45 elements found in the Colorado Performance-Based Standards for Teachers. LICENSURE: At the end of the second year, provided the TiR has completed their Teacher Work Sample and portfolio demonstrating proficiency in 45 elements found in the Colorado Performance-Based Standards for Teachers, the hiring school district recommends the candidate to the Colorado Department of Education for a provisional license. TUITION & GRADING: Tuition is $3,650.00 . Course credit is awarded on a pass/fail basis to candidates who are in regular attendance, complete class assignments, participate, and demonstrate progress toward the development of a performance based teacher work sample and portfolio demonstrating proficiency on at least 30 of the 45 State Performance-Based Standards for Teachers.
is a dynamic and growing program designed "..... to help someone learn to become a teacher" For additional information please call 303-764-6893 |
Source: The Research and Development Center at Colorado State University, January 20001 "The MSCD TiR program is unique because it works with everyone - it is not specialized." "Instructors are mentors, master teachers, and fellow practitioners." "The program reaches out and helps TiR candidates succeed with students."
Denver Public Schools, Department of Human Resources, Room 501, 900 Grant Street, Denver, Colorado 80203.
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