click here to download the directory.
Employee Email Address André Pettigrew, Assistant Superintendent
for Administrative Services Linda Teachout, Executive Secretary II Employee Email Address Nancy Swanson, HR Specialist [for
Administrators] Employee Email Address Lita Weinstein, Manager Mary Acuna, Secretary II Yung Lam-Vien, Employee Benefits Financial
Analyst Flora Osenda, Benefits Specialist Kal Reger, Benefits Specialist Dee Taylor, Benefits Specialist Licensed
Personnel Certificated Human Resources - Elementary /
ELA / Substitutes Email Address Guillermo Durón, Acting Director,
Licensed Elementary Kitty Varnell, Secretary II Debra Watson, HR Specialist Carlyn Holmes, HR Specialist [for
Substitutes] Tara Grant, Secretary II Imelda Chavez, Secretary II Certificated Human Resources -
Secondary Email Address Roslyn Underwood-Dee, Director, Secondary
Human Colleen Jackson, HR Specialist [for
Secondary Personnel] Kitty Varnell, Secretary II Employee Email Address Ray Warren, Director, Classified Personnel Christina Blair, Executive Secretary I, Labor
Relations Jan Landry, Manager, Employment Trip Reynolds, Compensation Specialist Rob Collins, Employment Coordinator,
Transportation/Facility Management Maureen Orcholski, Employment Coordinator, Food
Services Pam Amador, HR Specialist
[Pro-Tech/Classified Non-Affiliated] Laura Kaplan, HR Specialist
[Paraprofessionals] LeAnn Lucero, HR Specialist [Office
Clerical, Secretarial] Gilchrist Roaf, Office Support III
[Background Checks] Nellie Parker, Office Support II Michelle Snyder, HR Specialist
[Part-Time/Hourly] Thelma Tinsley, HR Specialist
[Paraprofessionals] Employee Email Address Ray Warren, Director, Classified Personnel Trip Reynolds, Compensation Specialist Employee Email Address Guillermo Durón, Acting Director,
Licensed Elementary Carlyn Holmes, HR Specialist [for
Substitutes] Tara Grant, Secretary II Imelda Chavez, Secretary II HRIS [Human Resource Information System] Employee Email Address Joyce Fell, Manager, HRIS Billy Gould, Supervisor, HRIS Tench Sprouse, HRIS Systems Analyst David Klein, Lead Data Processor Elayne Glasser, Data Processor II Salvator Scolaro, Data Processor II Robin_Payne, Data Processor II Employee Email Address Jan Landry, Manager, Employment Laura Kaplan, HR Specialist
[Paraprofessionals] Laura_Kaplan@dpsk12.org Thelma Tinsley, HR Specialist
[Paraprofessionals] Thelma_Tinsley@dpsk12.org Employee Email Address Carol Ruckel, Director, Staff Development Imelda Chavez, Secretary II Ken Hansen, Teacher on Special Assignment Laura Peterson, Teacher on Special
Assignment Phyllis Schieffer, Staff Development
Specialist Recruitment Email Address Linda Schempp, Manager, Recruitment Christine Valdez, HR Specialist Employee Email Address Guillermo Durón, Acting Director,
Licensed Elementary Carlyn Holmes, HR Specialist [for
Substitutes] Tara Grant, Secretary II Employee Email Address Doreen Bovey, Supervisor, Workers
Compensation Annette Solano, Office Support II Genny Zutis, Employee Health Services
Specialist Denver Public Schools, Department of Human Resources, Room 501, 900 Grant Street, Denver, Colorado 80203.