Essential Functions and FAQs |
The top five (5) essential functions performed by this division:
1. Conduct new employee orientation three (3) times a week.
2. Completion of P.A.C.E. forms for paraprofessionals, security, bus assistants, etc.
3. Prepare test booklets and grade tests on a weekly basis.
4. File paraprofessional applications and purge files when needed.
5. Maintain active and inactive paraprofessional files.
The top three (3) questions asked of this division:
1. How do I apply for a paraprofessional position?
Response: Contact the Welcome Center for an application and scheduling of the Basic Skills Test (BST), which you must also complete.
2. Once my application is on file and the BST passed, what's next?
Response: Check the Job Hotline [303-764-3263] or visit the HR Department's web site. Click here to obtain current position openings.
3. What's next after being hired by a principal?
Response: Prior to actually beginning work, you must first be cleared through a background check. Then, you will be scheduled to attend NEO and fingerprinting.
Employee |
Email Address |
Jan Landry, Manager, Employment |
Laura Kaplan, HR Specialist [Paraprofessionals] |
Thelma Tinsley, HR Specialist [Paraprofessionals] |
Contact HR
Denver Public Schools, Department of Human Resources, Room 501, 900 Grant Street, Denver, Colorado 80203.
Background Checks |
Classified Full-time Employees |
Classified Part-Time Employees |
Clerical and Secretarial Employment |
Employee Health Services |
Facility Management Human Resources |
Food Services Human Resources |
General Information |
Labor Relations |
HR Home Page | Our Accomplishments | HR Departmental Chart | Employee Directory | Payroll Department | Retirement | Bargaining Groups | Position Classifications | Salary Schedules | DPS Home Page |