Provisional License |
Professional License |
(Big Green) |
(Big Blue) |
....... now that you have had a mentor and finished New Teacher training (NTN)
- You need to ask your principal to send a letter to Carol Ruckel in Human Resources recommending
you for a Certificate stating that you have completed the DPS Induction Program.
- Send the Certificate to CDE along with your Professional License Application and fee.
To get an application for a Profession License. call Colorado Department of Education at 303-866-6628-2-2; leave your name and address and they will mail the application packet to you or download one from their website at www.cde.state.co.us!
License Renewal
Professional - The renewal of a Colorado Professional License requires the completion of the equivalent of a minimum of six (6) semester or nine (9) quarter hours of credit. Only that credit earned after your license was issued and within the five (5) year period preceding the date of application will be accepted. Materials submitted for renewal of a license will not be returned.
Provisional - A Provisional License may be renewed for a period of three years if the holder has been unable to complete an approved induction program offered by a school district, board of cooperative services or other approved educational entities for reasons other than incompetence.
Please note, DPS does not accept Alternative Teacher Licenses.
Denver Public Schools, Department of Human Resources, Room 501, 900 Grant Street, Denver, Colorado 80203.
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